ourSOUL Teaching-Learning Resources http://oursoul.su.edu.ph/OER/index.php/ourSOUL-OER <p>This Teaching-Learning Resources portal collects open educational resources produced by our teachers, students, and researchers. </p> <p>In partnership with Commission on Higher Education Department (CHED), Silliman University aims to achieve a place where interested parties collaborate, create and make their educational resources available to the public.</p> en-US <p><strong>Content Licensing</strong></p> <ol> <li>Contributors grant the TLR a right to publish their work under the Creative Commons Licenses that allow others freely to read, download, copy and print, modify the content and disseminate. Here is the link to learn more about the CC License <a href="https://chooser-beta.creativecommons.org/">https://chooser-beta.creativecommons.org/</a></li> <li>Contributors are encouraged to put the Creative Commons Licenses in their original work.</li> </ol> <p> </p> oer@su.edu.ph (Office of Silliman Online University Learning) alfieqarcelo@su.edu.ph (Alfie Q. Arcelo) Thu, 07 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60